Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Daughter.....

So incase you weren't aware I am currently working in a call centre in London. This particular call centre deals with fan to fan ticket sales. Basically it's legal, online scalping!

What I am consistently amazed by is the number of adults of my generation who are unable to make a phone call themself. Not only this but most of them are unable to purchase a concert ticket themself.

Here's an example:
A girl buys tickets for Lil' Wayne (no sympathy at all for whatever your enquiry is for wasting your money in the first place).
Lil' Wayne cancels (maybe he's figured out he's terrible and is trying to save you all from the horror of this)
Girl is given instructions on how to obtain a refund.
Girl doesn't follow instructions.
Girls father calls to complain that HIS money isn't back in HIS account for the tickets his daughter purchased with HIS money.

Now this is a fairly common scenario. In fact I just handled this exact enquiry. So maybe you didn't have the money at the time so asked to borrow it from your parents. Maybe they already had an account so you thought it was easier to use theirs. But then getting correct information, not doing as advised and get your dad to yell at me? What a fucking clown.

Scenario number two:
UPS loses girls tickets to Ne-Yo(happens far too often)(another shit performer, no sympathy)
Girl doesn't advise us of this until the FRIDAY NIGHT before the concert on the SUNDAY! (yeah last minute when Royalmail are on strike is awesome)
Advise girl we will attempt to source alternative tickets and that someone will be in contact if we are able to find them.
Girl says this isn't good enough that she has to wait around (certainly waiting fucking long enough to advise she hadn't received the tickets didn't she)
Advised the girl we could do a full refund for the lost tickets if she didn't want to wait.
This is unacceptable, girl wants it both ways!
Advised nothing else we could do, she would be contacted.
She demands to speak with a manager. Advise none available. She says "I work in a call centre, I know I can speak to a manager if I want to"
I think "Working in a call centre is nothing to brag about, I do it and absolutely LOATHE it. Also if you work in a call centre shouldn't you be aware that the customer is almost never right!?"
I repeat myself regarding what we can do til blue in the face.

About 10 minutes later her mum calls. I explain once the situation, mum thanks me.

Seriously these bratty little spoilt fucks over here are wearing on my nerves. Get a clue, read terms and conditions. Admit when you're wrong etc.


P.S. Suck shit that your Lady Gaga, Ne-Yo, Kings of Leon, Take That, Lil' Wayne and whatever other SHIT "event" you're going to, tickets didn't arrive. Serves you all fucking right!

End Post

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