Monday, June 15, 2009

Long time no post

So what's been happening in my life. Basically the same old shit.

Still looking for work, going to interviews, being looked down at like I have some type of disease and that I'm probably insane for thinking that I'm right for their company.

Other than that things here are good. Much cheap cider and beer still being consumed, although trying to take it a bit easy recently. The whole depression/anxiety hangover is never fun, especially when not working and the money is getting low. So avoiding it as much as possible.

Coalesce is on this Friday and incredibly psyched for that. I hope Dewees is playing with them. I <3 Dewees. Speaking of Dewees...going to see the Get Up Kids on August 19th. Fuck yeah. Then the weekend after that is Leeds Festival which my sister got me a couple of weekend passes for. Pretty excited for that for the following reasons:
Brand New, Bloc Party, Radiohead, Faith No More, Fall Out Boy, Thursday, AFI, The Bronx, Polar Bear Club, Chuck Ragan, Mancherster Orchestra....
Then of course there are the bands that I may see if nothing else is on, just because I can:
Bouncing Souls, Atreyu, Rival Schools, Snuff, Rise Against, Gallows, JamieT, Placebo, New Found Glory...ETC ETC

So yeah, that should be some fun times.

Speaking of fun times I think I need to meet more Natives. Seems that most of (all of) the people I've been hanging out with here are Australian, not even Australians I didn't know before, but people I've known for years and am now hanging out with on the other side of the word. I could be more proactive in this regard, but can't think of a single reason why I should bother. I suppose once I'm working I'll meet people, probably local people even, but really don't care that much.

One complaint I do have about this place though is my chronic hayfever. I haven't had hayfever since I was in school. I come here and have new types of pollen, intense smog and basic dirtiness and as a result my eyes and nose will not stop running and itching. Can't stop sneezing and the hayfever medication here is lackluster, at best.

So... I don't have much else to say, I've done a lot more things since I've been here but this isn't an itinerary or a logbook of what I've seen and done, so I'm not going to do that. One fantastic (and incredibly drunken) night that Miranda, Elissa and I had was at All Star Bowling. I think I came last, Elissa blitzed us all and the cocktails were GIGANTIC. It was fantastic. See photo above.

I do think I'll try to update this a lot more often though, even though I'm not even sure if anyone reads it. I also think I'm going to get an Easel (if that's even you spell it) and start painting, going to draw more and maybe even give creative writing a shot. I think I need new avenues to express myself other than getting wasted and having a laugh.

So yeah, that's about it.

End Post

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